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Regime Type:

Without Eggs, PKD (With Allowances)

Strawberry Jelly

Introduction & Inspiration

Strawberry jelly makes for a delicious treat on a special occasion such a Valentine's Day. It's simple to make, sets quickly and tastes delicious!

X Nic

Recipe Overview

Preparation Time

Less than 30 minutes

Cooking Time

Less than 30 minutes

Serving Size

Makes 215ml Strawberry Jelly

(Serving Suggestion 2 x 40ml Ramekins - per photo)

Main Ingredients:

100g Fresh Strawberries

20-25ml Honey

150ml Bone Broth

40g Pork Jelly Cubes

Decoration (Optional)

Grated 'Chocolate' Shapes

Recipe Instructions

Add all the ingredients to a small pan on low heat. Cook for 3 - 4 minutes until the fruit is nice and soft and all the honey and pork jelly has dissolved.


Pour the contents of the pan into a high speed blender and blend.


Pour the blender contents through a fine mesh sieve (to remove the seeds) into a container of your choice. As a serving suggestion (see photo), pour 20ml of the mixture into two heart shaped moulds (10ml each), and 80ml of the jelly mixture divided into the base of 2 glass ramekins (40ml in each ramekin).


Place the mould and the ramekins in the fridge in order for the strawberry jellies to set.

Once set, remove the heart shaped jellies carefully from their moulds and place them on top of the individual jelly ramekins.

Decorate with a little grated 'chocolate' shapes for additional colour, if desired.




Any fruit should be of organic quality, and is only recommended in small quantities for those who have recovered from any kind of health condition.


Check out my Pork Jelly, Bone Broth - Pressure Cooker and 'Chocolate' Shapes recipes for instructions on how to make these.


Use the Recipe Search functionality on the website to discover how to incorporate Strawberry Jelly into various dishes.


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