Regime Type:
Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances)
Roast Beef and Smoked Bacon Sandwiches
Introduction & Inspiration
Roast beef is delicious in its own right and can certainly be used as your sandwich bread in essence. Combining the meat with the smoked bacon and a creamy bacon mayonnaise filling will make for a satisfying, nutrient dense sandwich that is quick and easy to whip up, with a great PKD ratio.
X Nic
Recipe Overview
Preparation Time
Less than 30 minutes
Cooking Time
Less than 30 minutes
Serving Size
Roast Beef and Smoked Bacon Sandwiches
Main Ingredients:
150g Roast Beef Leftover Slices (x4)
40g Eskimo Mangalica Smoked Kolozsvari Bacon Leftovers
25ml Bacon Mayonnaise
Salt To Taste
Recipe Instructions
Place the 4 leftover beef slices on to a serving plate.
Use a knife to spread the bacon mayonnaise evenly over all the slices.
Use kitchen scissors or a kitchen knife to cut the bacon leftovers into strips.
Place the bacon strips over the top of 2 of the beef slices and add the remaining 2 beef slices on top of the other slices, to form sandwiches. Use cocktail sticks to hold the slices together.
If you're not able to consume eggs, simply use a different filling such as a liver pâté or a crunchy tallow spread for example.
Kolozsvari is a type of traditional smoked bacon from the Cluj-napoca region of Romania. It can be eaten raw as for this recipe, or it can be cooked in the pan and crisps up nicely. You can order this, and many other wonderful products, from Eskimo Kitchen in Hungary
Their products are all free from harmful additives and preservatives and they have a wonderful selection of produce.
Ideally, purchase your meat and fat from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free and use white sea salt or rock salt that contains no anticaking agents or other additives.
Check out my Beef Joint - Oven Roasted and Bacon Mayonnaise recipes for instructions on how to make these.