Regime Type:
Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances)
Brains - Poached
Introduction & Inspiration
Brains are a very nutrient dense ingredient, however they may be off putting initially and so a key way to introduce them into your diet is by disguising them. Using them in various recipes including dressings, mayonnaises and even ice cream, can be a great way to overcome the initial reticence associated with using them.
Poaching the brains in water allows them to retain their creamy texture and will make cooking or frying them a little easier as they will become a little firmer as well.
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Recipe Overview
Preparation Time
Less than 30 minutes
Cooking Time
Up to 30 Minutes*
Serving Size
166g Lamb Brains - Poached
Main Ingredients:
170g Lamb Brains
Recipe Instructions
Gently rinse the brains under running water to remove any bone fragments that may still be lodged in the brains.
Soak the brains for 30 minutes in water and some salt to get the blood out. Now drain off the water and fill with clean water and salt and allow to soak a further 30 minutes. The water should run clear. This helps the brains keep a light colour.
Remove the brains from the fridge, drain off the water and place the brains in a pan of fresh water and bring the water to a boil, before turning down to a simmer (not boiling). Cook for 15 minutes until the brains have firmed up. Allow the brains to cool in the liquid. Check for membranes which will look like a cloudy veil, and if there are any, try and peel them off.
If you are going to use the brains straightaway then you can pat them dry with a paper towel. Otherwise, reserve the cooking liquid as you may use this to store brains if needed (up to two days).
Your poached brains are now ready!
Brains are extremely perishable, so purchase them as fresh as possible and aim to use them within 24 hours.
Ideally, purchase your meat and offal from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free and use white sea salt or rock salt that contains no anticaking agents or other additives.
Use the Recipe Search functionality on the website to discover how to incorporate Brains - Poached into various dishes.
After cooking, the brains end up tasting reminiscent of a firm ricotta, or another mild cheese. They blend nicely into the background and make a nutrient dense breakfast for the PKD and offal enthusiast.
Brains are a very nutrient dense ingredient, however they may be off putting initially and so a key way to introduce them into your diet is by disguising them. Using them in cake or fritter form can be a great way to overcome the initial reticence associated with using them.
Poaching the brains in water allows them to retain their creamy texture and will make cooking or frying them a little easier as they will become a little firmer.
*You can poach various type of brains using the exact same method. The only thing to change slightly is the cooking time. Poach pig or calf brains for 20 minutes and beef brains for 30 minutes.
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