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Regime Type:

Without Eggs, Strict PKD (No Allowances)

Beef Tripe 'Rice'

Introduction & Inspiration

Beef Tripe 'Rice' is the name I give to pressure cooked beef tripe that has been cooled in the fridge and then chopped up finely in the food processor until it resembles rice.

It's great to use for savoury meat dishes, and also perfect for many dessert, starters and other snack recipes.

X Nic

Recipe Overview

Preparation Time

Less than 30 minutes

Cooking Time

Less than 30 minutes

Serving Size

90g Beef Tripe 'Rice'

Main Ingredients:

90g Pressure Cooked Beef Tripe

Recipe Instructions

Remove the tripe from the refrigerator and place the cold tripe into a high speed food processor. Chop the tripe in the food processor until it resembles rice.


Use a spatula to remove the beef tripe 'rice' from the food processor and transfer it into an airtight glass container and store in the fridge until you are ready to use it.



Serving Suggestion: I love melting a little tallow into a pan on low heat, and then adding my beef tripe 'rice' to the warm tallow to heat up. Add a pinch of salt to the pan, stir regularly and then when the tripe is nice and warm you can serve it with lamb or steak on top for example.


Ideally, purchase your meat and offal from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive Free.


Check out my Beef Tripe - Pressure Cooker recipe for instructions on how to make this.


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