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Regime Type:

PKD (With Allowances)

Tripe Bread

Introduction & Inspiration

This may seem somewhat strange as a bread option, but it actually works really well! It has a great PKD ratio, a very neutral taste and if anything has a certain creaminess to it.

The texture is good and the bread crisps up really well in a pan while remaining sturdy. The colour is nice and golden, with a good crust layer on top.

Why not give this one a try!

X Nic

Recipe Overview

Preparation Time

Less than 30 minutes

Cooking Time

40-50 minutes

Serving Size

1 x Tripe Bread Loaf (15cm x 7.5cm x 5cm)

Main Ingredients:

200g Pressure Cooked Beef Tripe

90g Tallow

60ml Egg Yolk Sauce - Pasteurised

60ml Bone Broth



1 tsp Tallow

Recipe Instructions

Pre heat the oven to 160c.


Place all the ingredients, except the egg yolk, into a pan on low heat. Cook for a few minutes until all the tallow has melted and the beef tripe is warm.


Pour the contents of the pan into a high speed blender, add the egg yolk sauce to the blender and blend everything until the mixture is smooth.


Grease a small loaf tin and then place a piece of greaseproof paper to line the base of the tin with the excess covering the sides and sticking slightly out of the tin (this will make it easier to remove the loaf after cooking).


Pour contents of the blender container into the loaf tin with the help of a spatula. Use the spatula to smooth off the top of the loaf.


Place the loaf tin on a baking tray and place in the pre-heated oven for 40 minutes. Once, done, brown the top of the loaf for 5-10 minutes to have a slight golden finish to it. Keep an eye on the loaf to ensure it doesn't burn!


Remove the loaf tin from the oven, use a pastry brush to brush the top of the loaf with a little tallow. Allow the loaf to rest on the countertop to cool.


If you are not going to be eating the tripe bread straightaway, store in an airtight container in the fridge.


Ideally, purchase your fat and offal from pasture raised animals that are Nitrate, Nitrite & Additive and use white sea salt or rock salt that contains no anticaking agents or other additives.


Be sure to use free range, organic eggs for the egg yolk sauce. Whether you can eat eggs may depend on your condition, medical history, the time you have been doing PKD and your health goals. If you're unsure, please consult with ICMNI in Hungary (Home - Nutriintervention).


Check out my Bone Broth - Pressure Cooker, Beef Tripe - Pressure Cooker and Egg Yolk Sauce - Pasteurised recipes for instructions on how to make these.


Use the Recipe Search functionality on the website to discover how to incorporate Tripe Bread into various dishes.


The loaf will rise a lot while in the oven. Once out of the oven, the loaf top will gradually deflate.


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